Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Count it All Joy - The Girl in My Mind

March 26, 2019
Tuesday, 10:04 PM

Beautiful day. My most favorite part of the day was spending time with my husband just talking about different things, mostly personal, church,  friends, life, and the book I am currently studying. We were talking about different kinds of tests (personality, IQ, SQ, EQ) and he hates personality test. I told him about the book that I'm using and how the author said that these kinds of test puts an individual in box. I mentioned to him about the Unique Qualitative Profile (UQ Model) that she developed and how the first few questions and my answers to the UQ made me very emotional.

I just found out that he doesn't create pictures in his mind. When he thinks about something, what he sees are words, not pictures. It's quite surprising to me. Oh my, the things I still don't know about my husband, and how it feels good to discover new mysteries about him. He said that he doesn't know how it works when he draws. I asked if he has pictures in his mind when he draws and cannot answer about it. So I asked him if he can draw what I saw of myself to answer UQ's question #3. I told him to draw it on the notebook I am using for the study. This is what he drew:

I am not able to type continually the things I wanted to say here because every now and then we stop what we're doing and talk (we're at the kitchen table right now, he's reading a John Maxwell's book). I am trying to finish this up.

I still have a lot to say, but it is getting late. Brief description about other things:

  1. I got a notification from Facebook of a video of Felicia when she was two years old. She's so cute and chubby, playing mud, using it like play dough. I thank FB for these memories. Being reminded of how my girls were like years ago is nostalgic.

  2. So proud of my Evie for doing the right thing at school today. She told me about an incident that happened in their music class where some kids in her class just threw carelessly the books that they used instead of putting them on where they're supposed to be. She and her best friend picked up the books and returned them to where the teacher asked them to return. That's my awesome girl!
"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." - James 1:2-5

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