Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?"

The beginning of John 6 talks about the feeding of the five thousand. When Jesus saw the big crowd, His first words were, "Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?" He asked this question not because He didn't know what to do or where to get the food supply. He asked this question to one of His disciples (Philip) to test him. Philip responded of how not enough two hundred denarii is to buy that much food to feed all the people. Another disciple, Andrew having heard of what Jesus and Philip talked about came into the picture and told Jesus about a boy who has five loaves of bread and five fishes. Yet like Philip, he also compares and worries of how little there is available to feed the huge crowd.

Personal Revelation

As I was reading these passages, God spoke to me. The scene that happened in these passages is the same exact situation I am currently struggling.

It's been several days that I have been thinking about a new project I want to do for a business. I worried about budget. I want to purchase "new" tools, but do not have enough money to purchase them. I have tools I can use, but I want to get new ones thinking that it will help me make better and creative designs. Because part of me worries about budget, my focus is divided.

But thanks be to my God, who supplies all my needs! Reading what happened in the feeding of the five thousands, God told me exactly what to do: utilize what I have. That's what Jesus did. He used what was available. And how did the miracle happen? He gave thanks to the Father as He distributed the bread and fish to the people. The giving of thanks was the key to this miracle.

One of the things I really like on what Jesus did is telling His disciples to tell the people to "sit down." It means to "rest." Makes me think of Jesus telling me what to do when worries of supply overcomes me. He's like telling ne, "Hey, watch me. This is what you need to do. Gather what you have. Relax. Give thanks to the Father." As simple as that. My part is to believe that what I asked for, He supplies. Faith that is.
I thank the Lord for this revelation. With His grace, I know what to do and I worry no more.
Flourishing in grace,